Culture of Urabba Parks

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The culture of Urabbaparcensia is primarily an Australian culture, originally derived from Britain but also influenced by the unique geography of Urabba Parks and the cultural input of Aboriginal and other Greek people. As an environmental micronation, the Enactorate of Urabbaparcensia (formerly Urabba Parks Pty Ltd) bases its cultural developments in circularity, reusing existing materials and methods where practicable.

Historical development of Urabbaparcensian culture

The colonisation of localities associated with Urabbaparcensia occurred in the mid-19th century, and waves of multi-ethnic migration followed, including the ancestors of the micronation's founder, Danny Racovolis, who has since established Urabba Parks as having a 'Hellenic' cultural character.[Constitution 1] Evidence of a significant Anglo-Celtic influence includes the predominance of English as the common language (embodied in particular by Urabbaparcensian English), the existence of a democratic system of government drawing upon the British traditions of Westminster government, parliamentarianism and constitutional monarchy, American constitutionalist and federalist traditions, and Christianity as the dominant religion.

As founder, Racovolis intended the corporate 'nature' of Urabba Parks Proprietary Limited encompass both 'charity' and 'democracy';[Constitution 1] this is the origin of the term 'charitable democracy'. Urabbaparcensia is also a Hegemony of the Empire of Imvrassia, a Greek sector micronation. Urabbaparcensiana refers to items, people, places, flora, fauna and events of Urabbaparcensian origins.


Visual art is a major component of the culture of Urabbaparcensia, both in physical and virtual forms. Circularity is present in Urabbaparcensian art through the practice of reusing existing materials and methods, where practicable, in representing the contemporary nature of Urabbaparcensian sites (in particular Urabba Street Reserve in Rankins Springs) and the aspirations of Urabbaparcensia as a micronation. There is also an oil drum used as for the Speaker's chair at Urabbaparcensian Parliament Square in the UP3 range.


The name of Urabba Parks Pty Ltd ultimately derives from the Wiradjuri word meaning "a boggy creek".[1] The main language spoken in Urabbaparcensia is Urabbaparcensian English, a slightly modified version of Australian English. Urabbaparcensian English arose as a result of the need for a lexicon to describe the various aspects of the micronation's legal system.

Material about Urabba Parks also exists in the Italian language.[2]


The official corporate website of the Urabbaparcensian Government is accessible from, and uses MediaWiki as its content management platform. Urabba Parks maintains a Facebook page. The corporate government also operates the Urabbaparcensian Legislation Website at, which provides links to Urabbaparcensian laws. Urabbaparcensian Legislation uses Drupal as its content management platform. The micronation also has a small presence on social media.


The significant days for Urabbaparcensia include 5 March (Jurisdiction Day, 3 July (Jurisdiction Day), 9 July (Park Day), 10 August (Urabba Street Reserve Day) and 4 September (Flandrensis Day).


Although God is mentioned in the Preamble[Constitution 2] and in the substantive text of the Urabbaparcensian Constitution,[Constitution 1] the Corporate Parliament cannot mandate religious observance or a religious test for its members. There is also a prohibition on Parliament authorising an official version of the Bible except with the authorisation of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia.[Constitution 3]

The Church in Urabba Parks, which claims to be under the spiritual jurisdiction of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia, is designated in the Constitution. St Paul the Apostle is the patron saint of the Enactorate of Urabbaparcensia.[Constitution 4]


Urabbaparcensian sport generally takes the form of participation in fantasy leagues. The micronation participates in intermicronational sporting competitions in its own right.

On 12 July 2022, the Enactor entered the Urabba Parks Football Club (now the Urabba Parks Cockatoos) in the 2022/23 season of the MicroNations League Trophy, the first tournament Urabba Parks fielded a sports team.[3] On 15 August 2022, Urabba Parks was admitted as a member of the Micronationalist Martial Arts Association.[4] The Urabba Parks Cockatoos won the inaugural MicroAFL League Championship in 2023.[5]


Urabbaparcensia has a wide variety of symbols to represent its unique identity. The Urabbaparcensian national colours are green and gold to represent the Australian influence and the house mark, the Urabbaparcensian Cross, is a is a monogrammatic cross or Staurogram (which is a typographic ligature composed of a superposition of the Greek letters tau (Τ) and rho (Ρ)), with the 'T' joined by a demi-circle. The colours and house mark make up the Flag of Urabba Parks, which was adopted along with the Constitution of Urabba Parks Pty Ltd on 5 March 2021.

See also


  1. Box 4 folder 2: New South Wales place names, 1899-1903 - page 30. State Library of New South Wales Transcription Tool. Retrieved 1 August 2022
  2. Contea Ecologica di Urabba. Retrieved 3 September 2022.
  3. Urabba Parks FC. Facebook page for MicroNations Leage Cup. Retrieved 26 July 2022
  4. Member states. Micronationalist Martial Arts Association. Retrieved 15 August 2022
  5. Lordship Watitune, New Weddington Isles. ROUND 24 ROUND-UP (Facebook post). Retrieved 30 August 2023.

The Constitution

External links

Social media links