President of the Federation of Okasakawa

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President of the
Federation of Okasakawa
Seal of the President

since 26 December 2022
Executive branch of the Government of Okasakawa
Office of the President (Okasakawa)
  • Mr. President
  • His Excellency
SeatSilahis Metropolitan
Constituting instrument2022 Okasakawa Federation constitution
Formation25 August 2013; 10 years ago (2013-08-25)
First holderDominic I
Unofficial namesPresident of Okasakawa

List of Presidents

Political Status

  Pro-Nationalism (DCP, DLP, FMP, GPP, NP)

  Pro-Patriotism (NRP)

  No Political Affiliations (IND)

Presidents of Okasakawa

# Portrait President Took office Left office Years in office History
Dominic I
8 August 2013 (2013-08-08)
August 25, 2013 (2013-08-25)
17 days The first president of Okasakawa, who only served 17 days as president, Dominic I did not stay long in office and was later replaced by his brother Dominic II, who continued until the formation of the first republic of Okasakawa, the "Barrio of Santan."

President Dominicus I’s contribution was the establishment of the prime minister position, which he temporarily led himself. His tenure as prime minister ended in 2015.

Dominic II
25 August 2013 (2013-08-25)
May 9, 2015 (2015-05-09)
1 year, 257 days

Dominic the Second, a prominent figure in Okasakawan history, rendered his dedicated service as the very first President of Okasakawa from 2013 to 2015, steadfastly upholding a non-partisan approach to governance. Following his exceptional tenure, Dominic the Second achieved another significant milestone by assuming the esteemed position of Prime Minister of Okasakawa, succeeding his esteemed older brother, Dominic the First.

Regarded as "Dominic the Great," Dominic the Second earned this illustrious epithet due to his pivotal role in establishing Okasakawa's inaugural republic, the renowned "Brgy.123" or Barrio of Santan. His visionary leadership and unwavering dedication played an instrumental role in cultivating a sense of longevity within the Barrio of Santan. Under his astute guidance, the principles encapsulated within the "Dominic Thought Strategies" garnered widespread recognition and endured for over three years, bolstering the sustainability and endurance of the Barrio of Santan. Dominic the Second's remarkable legacy continues to resonate within the annals of Okasakawa's history.

Angelus I
9 May 2015 (2015-05-09)
December 15, 2016 (2016-12-15)
1 year, 220 days

Angelus, a distinguished figure in Okasakawa's political landscape, emerged as a key founder and visionary behind the establishment of two significant political parties. In 2015, he played an instrumental role in the inception of the Democratic Coalitions Party, a political entity that embodied the ideals of democracy and coalition-building. Demonstrating his enduring commitment to the political landscape, Angelus further contributed to the political fabric of Okasakawa by spearheading the formation of the Federal Movements Party in 2021. This party, with its focus on federalism, aimed to address the evolving needs and aspirations of the nation.

Angelus's multifaceted political journey began with his election to the esteemed position of President in 2015, serving an exemplary first term that spanned until 2016. During his presidency, Angelus exhibited astute leadership and an unwavering dedication to the principles of democratic governance, leaving an indelible mark on Okasakawan politics.

Building upon his experience and accomplishments, Angelus assumed the role of Prime Minister in 2016, succeeding the esteemed Dominicus the Second. In this capacity, he continued to steer the nation forward, navigating complex challenges and charting a path towards progress and prosperity.

Throughout his tenure, Angelus demonstrated remarkable acumen, deftly balancing the diverse interests and aspirations of the populace. His visionary leadership and ability to bridge gaps within the political landscape contributed to the stability and growth of Okasakawa, leaving an enduring impact on the nation's trajectory.

John I
15 December 2016 (2016-12-15)
June 1, 2017 (2017-06-01)
168 days

John I holds a significant place in the chronicles of Okasakawan history, being the first President to ascend to power through the electoral process, with his election being the outcome of the Okasakawa Presidential Elections in 2016. From December of that year until June 1, 2017, John I dutifully discharged his responsibilities as the nation's President, drawing upon his mandate derived from the votes of the Okasakawan people.

John I’s tenure as President coincided with a challenging period known as the "Santan's Great Depression," a time of economic downturn that profoundly impacted the first republic of Okasakawa, the venerable Barrio of Santan. Despite the formidable obstacles, John I and his administration endeavored to navigate these turbulent times, striving to address the socioeconomic woes that plagued the nation. Regrettably, the pressures proved insurmountable, leading to the dissolution of the Barrio of Santan in 2017, thereby marking the end of the first Okasakawan Republic.

On June 1, 2017, John I was relieved of his presidential duties, signifying the conclusion of his tenure as the last President of the First Okasakawan Republic. His leadership during a period of profound challenges has left an indelible mark on Okasakawan history, highlighting the resilience and fortitude exhibited by the nation during times of adversity.

None (June 1, 2017 - October 14, 2017)
John II
14 October 2017 (2017-10-14)
August 20, 2018 (2018-08-20)
310 days

Following the establishment of the Second Okasakawan Republic in October 2017, a significant milestone was reached with the election of John II as the fourth President of Okasakawa. Notably, John II assumed the dual role of being both the President of Okasakawa and the inaugural President of the Second Republic, known as the Republic of Ibarra. This historic appointment bestowed upon John II the responsibility of leading the nation into a new era of progress and development.

Regrettably, a few months into John II’s presidency, internal discord began to emerge among certain influential members of the Ibarra Society. These disagreements and conflicts cast a shadow over President John II’s administration, profoundly impacting the stability and cohesiveness of the micronation. Amidst this challenging environment, a group calling themselves "Timothy" emerged, sparking a revolt that reverberated throughout the entire micronation. The Timothy revolts posed significant challenges to John II leadership and posed a threat to the overall harmony and integrity of Okasakawa.

Despite John II valiant efforts and commitment to guiding the nation through these turbulent times, controversies surrounding the Timothy revolts and the subsequent conflicts within the micronation ultimately contributed to his inability to secure a second term as President. The repercussions of the revolts and conflicts that unfolded in late 2017 and early 2018 cast a long shadow over John II political aspirations, resulting in his inability to regain the presidency.

John II’s presidency, albeit cut short, serves as a poignant chapter in Okasakawan history, characterized by the formidable challenges he faced and the resilience he displayed in the face of adversity. The Timothy revolts and the ensuing conflicts have left an indelible mark on Okasakawa's political landscape, serving as a reminder of the intricacies and complexities inherent in the governance of any nation.

20 August 2018 (2018-08-20)
December 8, 2019 (2019-12-08)
1 year, 110 days

Han's tenure in Okasakawan politics marks a significant milestone as she became the first female President and Prime Minister of the nation. Following President Lijan's term, Han assumed the role of President in 2018, embarking on a transformative journey that would leave a lasting impact on Okasakawa. Her term as President concluded in 2019, when the resignation of Angelus from his post led to Han assuming the mantle of Prime Minister on December 8, 2019.

Throughout her political career, Han has distinguished herself as a non-partisan Okasakawan politician, embodying a commitment to the principles of impartiality and inclusivity. Her unwavering dedication to the betterment of Okasakawa has transcended party lines, allowing her to effectively navigate the intricacies of the political landscape and work towards the common good.

One of Han's notable contributions to Okasakawan politics lies in her fervent promotion and support of federalism. Her advocacy for a federalist system within Okasakawa has proven to be a resounding success, significantly shaping the nation's political and micronational framework. Han's unwavering commitment to the principles of federalism has fostered a more equitable and decentralized system, empowering local regions and promoting a sense of shared governance and representation.

Han's transformative leadership and dedication to the values of non-partisanship and federalism have positioned her as a revered figure within Okasakawan history. Her contributions continue to resonate within the nation, shaping its political trajectory and paving the way for a more inclusive and progressive future.

8 December 2019 (2019-12-08)
March 31, 2020 (2020-03-31)
114 days

Benedicto, renowned as "The Servant of God and To The People of Okasakawa," played a significant role in the nation's history during his tenure as President. His deep sense of devotion and commitment to serving both God and the people of Okasakawa garnered him this esteemed title.

Following the conclusion of President Han's term, Benedict assumed the presidency in December 2019, stepping into a position of immense responsibility and leadership. However, despite his initial aspirations and the hopes placed upon his administration, Benedict's first term as President proved to be short-lived and marked by unforeseen challenges.

In March 2020, a turn of events unfolded that resulted in Benedict's removal from office. His decision to initiate a snap election, in direct opposition to the prevailing order led by Andreus, sparked a wave of controversy and turmoil within Okasakawa. The internal dynamics and political landscape underwent a profound shift, ultimately leading to Benedict's removal from the presidency.

The circumstances surrounding Benedict's truncated presidency serve as a poignant reminder of the complexities inherent in governance and the delicate balance of power within a micronation. While his tenure may have been brief, Benedict's presence and actions left an indelible impact on the trajectory of Okasakawa's political landscape, influencing the subsequent political developments that unfolded in the nation.

31 March 2020 (2020-03-31)
February 6, 2021 (2021-02-06)
312 days

Adrian, a distinguished leader, assumed the role of President of Okasakawa from 2020 to 2021, leaving an indelible imprint on the nation's history. Renowned for his visionary approach and unwavering commitment to progress, Adrian spearheaded the implementation of the groundbreaking "Okasakawa's Open Wide Policy."

The "Okasakawa's Open Wide Policy" heralded a new era of engagement and cooperation, aimed at fostering fruitful alliances and diplomatic relations with other micronations. Under Adrian' leadership, Okasakawa actively pursued agreements and engaged in diplomatic talks, expanding its global presence and forging meaningful connections across borders. This policy proved instrumental in promoting mutual understanding, fostering cultural exchange, and advancing the collective interests of Okasakawa within the global community.

An embodiment of international cooperation, Okasakawa, during Adrian's administration, actively participated in various micronational organizations. Notably, the nation's involvement in the esteemed AMPI Organization exemplified Okasakawa's commitment to multilateral collaboration. Through its engagement in this organization, Okasakawa contributed to the exchange of ideas, facilitated dialogue on shared challenges, and fostered a sense of camaraderie among fellow micronations.

Adrian’s presidency represented a transformative period in Okasakawa's history, characterized by a steadfast dedication to global engagement, diplomacy, and cooperation. The implementation of the "Okasakawa's Open Wide Policy" and active participation in micronational organizations underscored the nation's commitment to inclusivity, progress, and international solidarity. The impact of Adrian’s visionary leadership continues to resonate within Okasakawa, setting the stage for a brighter future of diplomatic engagement and mutual growth.

Angelus I
6 February 2021 (2021-02-06)
July 7, 2021 (2021-07-07)
151 days

In 2021, Angelus once again secured the position of President of Okasakawa, marking the beginning of his second term in office. His re-election served as a testament to the trust and confidence the Okasakawan people placed in his leadership and vision for the nation. Angelus's tenure was characterized by a series of notable achievements and contributions that left an enduring impact on Okasakawa.

One of Angelus's defining attributes as President was his emphasis on diplomatic policies. Recognizing the importance of fostering strong international relationships, he dedicated significant efforts to advancing Okasakawa's diplomatic standing on the global stage. Through strategic engagement and dialogue, Angelus sought to enhance Okasakawa's presence, promote its interests, and cultivate mutually beneficial partnerships with other nations.

Among these diplomatic endeavors, Angelus's stronghold relationship with Ruslavia stands out as a significant accomplishment. Through consistent dialogue, collaboration, and shared values, the bond between Okasakawa and Ruslavia flourished under Angelus's leadership. This robust partnership not only bolstered Okasakawa's international standing but also facilitated exchanges in various domains, such as cultural, economic, and political spheres.

Furthermore, Angelus's tenure witnessed remarkable development and progress within Okasakawa itself. Through his unwavering commitment and strategic policies, he steered the nation towards growth and prosperity. Under his guidance, Okasakawa experienced advancements in areas such as infrastructure, social welfare, and economic stability. Angelus's visionary approach and effective governance played a pivotal role in shaping Okasakawa's trajectory and positioning it as a thriving micronation.

Regrettably, despite his significant contributions, Angelus's tenure came to an unexpected halt when he made the decision to resign in July 2021. While his resignation marked the end of his second term as President, the impact of his diplomatic policies, strong relationships, and developmental efforts continued to shape Okasakawa's path forward.

Angelus's legacy as a leader and statesman remains embedded in the fabric of Okasakawa's history. His dedication, foresight, and unwavering commitment to the nation's progress have left an enduring imprint on the collective consciousness of Okasakawa and serve as an inspiration for future leaders and generations to come.

7 July 2021 (2021-07-07)
December 26, 2022 (2022-12-26)
1 year, 172 days

In a remarkable turn of events, Benedict assumed the presidency of Okasakawa for his second term in July 2021, following the unexpected resignation of President Angelus. Benedict's return to office was met with a wave of anticipation and renewed confidence, as his previous tenure had demonstrated his strong leadership abilities and commitment to the welfare of the Okasakawan people.

During his second term, Benedict became renowned for his groundbreaking "Cognomen's Policy," which was specifically crafted to safeguard the security and privacy of the Okasakawan population. Understanding the growing concerns surrounding digital privacy, cyber threats, and data breaches, Benedict implemented comprehensive measures to fortify the nation's defenses and protect the personal information of its citizens. This policy encompassed a wide array of initiatives, including robust encryption protocols, enhanced cybersecurity measures, and public awareness campaigns aimed at promoting responsible online behavior.

Benedict's tenure was marked by his unwavering dedication to the wellbeing and prosperity of Okasakawa. Under his leadership, the nation witnessed significant strides in various sectors, including economic stability, social development, and infrastructure expansion. His visionary policies and strategic initiatives paved the way for sustainable growth and elevated the living standards of the Okasakawan people.

However, like all chapters, Benedict’s presidency eventually reached its conclusion on December 26, 2022, after more than a year of commendable service to Okasakawa. Throughout his tenure, he remained steadfast in his commitment to advancing the nation's interests, uplifting its citizens, and ensuring a secure environment for all.

Benedict's legacy as a leader who prioritized the security and privacy of the Okasakawan people will endure in the annals of Okasakawa's history. His tireless efforts and forward-thinking policies have set a precedent for future leaders and underscored the importance of protecting the fundamental rights and interests of the populace. As Okasakawa moves forward, the impact of Benedict's presidency will continue to shape its path, fostering a secure and prosperous future for the nation and its citizens.

26 December 2022 (2022-12-26)
April 5, 2024 (2024-04-05)
1 year, 101 days

In a historic moment that reverberated across the Okasakawan landscape, Gregory, also known as "Gregory of Ruslavia," ascended to the presidency of Okasakawa in December 2022. As the very first Ruslavian President to assume leadership of the Okasakawa Micronation, Gregory's inauguration marked a new era of cooperation and cross-cultural exchange between Okasakawa and Ruslavia.

Gregory's distinguished background as the incumbent Prime Minister of Ruslavia provided him with a wealth of experience and a unique perspective on governance. His astute leadership qualities, coupled with his deep-rooted commitment to diplomacy and international relations, positioned him as an ideal candidate to steer Okasakawa toward new horizons of progress and prosperity.

In assuming the role of Okasakawa's President, Gregory undertook the responsibility of safeguarding the nation's interests, fostering unity among its citizens, and promoting bilateral ties with Ruslavia. His dual role as both the President of Okasakawa and the Prime Minister of Ruslavia allowed for synergistic collaboration between the two nations, paving the way for mutually beneficial initiatives and shared goals.

As the incumbent president, Gregory spearheads Okasakawa's government with steadfast dedication and unwavering commitment. Drawing upon his extensive experience in Ruslavian politics, he brings a nuanced understanding of governance and a global perspective to the table. Under his guidance, Okasakawa is poised to embark on a trajectory of sustainable development, strategic alliances, and inclusive governance.

Gregory's presidency signifies a significant milestone in the shared history of Okasakawa and Ruslavia, forging a stronger bond between the two nations and fostering an environment of mutual respect and collaboration. His leadership exemplifies the potential for cross-cultural exchange and the power of partnership in driving positive change.

As the journey of Gregory's presidency unfolds, the Okasakawan people eagerly anticipate the realization of his vision for a prosperous and harmonious nation. With his astute guidance and diplomatic acumen, Gregory stands as a beacon of hope and progress, working tirelessly to shape Okasakawa's destiny and leave an indelible mark on its history.

Angelus II
5 April 2024 (2024-04-05)
57 days
Angelus IAngelus I

Presidential Cognomen

It is a tradition for those who become president of Okasakawa to choose their so-called "Presidential Cognomen". And the year 2021 when it becomes a full law to choose the name of a newly elected president. Its selection usually takes place before the president is sworn in. Below is the list of Cognomens, or the names that the new sitting president can choose.


















