Foreign Office (Paravia)

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Foreign Office of the Empire of Paravia and Associated States
Established 17 September 2015 (Official)
Headquarters Nyros
Chief Ambassador Horatio Eden

The Foreign Office of Paravia is the government body responsible for maintaining diplomatic relations with macronations, while its sister organisation, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, deals with micronational relations. The goal of the ambassadors is to deal with the macronational authorities, report if a citizen dies, is seriously injured or is arrested in that macronation, and also to promote Paravian interests in their assigned nation. The Foreign Office was founded in 2015, and works alongside Paravia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The current chief ambassador is Horatio Eden, who succeeded Ned Gunderson on 28 November 2015.

The Foreign Office has various diplomats assigned to countries and regions. These diplomats are appointed by the Chief Ambassador, with the emperor's approval. This ambassador is thus responsible for relations with all other recognised macronations who do not have a diplomat assigned to them, but not all possible regional consulates are represented by the Chief Ambassador. Any ambassador in a country unrecognised by Paravia is merely to keep tabs on any citizens who may be there. However, there is yet to be a UN macronation which is unrecognised by the Paravian government.


There are a few ambassadors currently appointed by the Foreign Office. They are:

Former Ambassadors

